

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies

I have the biggest sweet tooth in the entire world!
Okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration but it's pretty darn big! So giving up sugar was pretty much impossible. So I went on a hunt for some toned down sugary snacks. I found a couple recipes and after a little experimenting and improvising, this is what I ended up with:

These delicious, no bake treats are low in sugar, flourless, and pack full of protein.
Here is the recipe:


For the cookie:
-2.5 cups of quick oats
-3 tablespoons of vanilla protein powder
-1 cup of dates
-2 cups of boiling water

For the topping:
-1/2 cup of peanut butter
-2 tablespoons of vanilla protein powder
-1/4 cup of dark chocolate chips


For the cookie:
1) With a food processor, magic bullet, or whatever grinding contraption you can dig up, grind the oats into a flour
2) Mix in the protein powder (if you don't eat protein powder, you can substitue for any kind of flour. ex. almond, coconut, etc)
3) Set dry ingredients aside
4) Blend together dates and hot water
5) Mix together dry and wet ingredients
6) Spoon onto parchment paper and set in freezer to harden

For the topping:
1) Mix peanut butter with protein powder (if you don't eat protein powder, you can just stick with the peanut butter by itself)
2) Spread peanut mixture on top of frozen cookie
3) Melt chocolate and drizzle on top of peanut mixture
4) Set in freezer to harden for at least 1 hour

Lastly, thaw for 30 seconds before eating your heart out!

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